Kick-off sastanak Erasmus+ sport projekta: Projekt Recovery (The Recovery Project)
Dana 26. srpnja 2022. godine održan je uvodni sastanak na kojem je iniciran početak Erasmus+ Sport projekta Izgradnja kapaciteta sportskih klubova za oporavak – The Recovery Project.
Sudionici sastanka bili su predstavnici svakog od partnera na projektu: Borkinson consultancy, Kajak Kanu Klub Mladost, Sporting Clube das Caldas, Rvački klub Senta i Eszak-dunantuli Roplabda Akademia. Tijekom sastanka partneri su se upoznali s upravljanjem projektom, administracijom, koordinacijom, komunikacijom i financijama. Svaki projektni partner izrazio je zahvalnost na sudjelovanju u projektu i veseli se nadolazećim aktivnostima.
Predstojeća projektna aktivnost je tečaj obuke u prekrasnom gradu u Portugalu, Caldas da Rainha, gdje je domaćin Sporting Clube das Caldas. Ovo će biti prvi tečaj u okviru projekta na kojem će se sudionici upoznati s najčešće korištenom metodologijom upravljanja projektima za EU projekte, kao i o EU politikama i mogućnostima financiranja u području sporta 2021.-2027.
Projekt Recovery započeo je u lipnju 2022. Glavni cilj ovog projekta je povećati kapacitete sportskih klubova za bolje i učinkovitije iskorištavanje mogućnosti EU financiranja. To će se postići organiziranjem četiriju tečajeva u četiri europske zemlje. Sudionici su osam djelatnika iz četiri sportska kluba iz Hrvatske, Mađarske, Portugala i Srbije te dva edukatora iz Hrvatske. Ishodi obuke su povećanje znanja i vještina o pripremi i provedbi EU projekata.
Projekt će dati šest rezultata u obliku izvješća, koji će proizaći iz šest sastanaka uključujući tečajeve obuke. Projekt će izravno doprinijeti poboljšanju dobrog upravljanja klubovima za rekreativne sportove jačanjem njihove otpornosti na posljedice pandemije COVID-19, povećanjem kvalitete i standarda rada i prakse klubova te boljim i učinkovitijim iskorištavanjem mogućnosti financiranja iz EU-a. Projekt je sufinanciran sa 60.000 EUR.
Kick-off sastanak Erasmus+ sport projekta: Projekt Recovery (The Recovery Project)
On July 26, 2022, an introductory meeting was held at which the start of the Erasmus+ Sport project Building the capacity of sports clubs for recovery – The Recovery Project was initiated.
The participants of the meeting were representatives of each of the project partners: Borkinson consultancy, Kayak Canoe Club Mladost, Sporting Clube das Caldas, Wrestling Club Senta and Eszak-dunantuli Roplabda Akademia. During the meeting, the partners got acquainted with project management, administration, coordination, communication and finance. Each project partner expressed their gratitude for participating in the project and looks forward to the upcoming activities.
The upcoming project activity is a training course in a beautiful town in Portugal, Caldas da Rainha, hosted by Sporting Clube das Caldas. This will be the first course within the project where participants will learn about the most commonly used project management methodology for EU projects, as well as about EU policies and funding opportunities in the field of sports in 2021-2027.
The Recovery project started in June 2022. The main goal of this project is to increase the capacities of sports clubs for better and more efficient use of EU funding opportunities. This will be achieved by organizing four courses in four European countries. The participants are eight employees from four sports clubs from Croatia, Hungary, Portugal and Serbia and two educators from Croatia. The training outcomes are an increase in knowledge and skills about the preparation and implementation of EU projects.
The project will produce six outputs in the form of reports, which will emerge from six meetings including training courses. The project will directly contribute to improving the good management of recreational sports clubs by strengthening their resistance to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing the quality and standards of the clubs’ work and practice, and better and more efficient use of EU funding opportunities. The project was co-financed with EUR 60,000.